In December 2021 we started the work, finally. Of course a lot of digging, metal work toe setup all the rebar and then fill back everything so only some poles sticking out, hiding the enormous amount of work done under the ground.
While digging we found a lot of round rocks, clearly left overs from a river and probably the whole valley has been a river. Nice material for our still to create waterfall.

Below a small clip to see the amount of footings for the main building only. No guestrooms, office or workshop/garage yet.
An overview of the with the road to the village (with only about 10-15 houses). On the right the steep hill that surrounds us. Behind it another river.
The start of the horizontal beams by laying a nice base.

Followed by more rebar. All made by hand and because only small trucks are able to reach our place, they fold the steel and unfold the materials after unloading. A lot of extra work but there is no other way.
At the same time they have been working on footings for the garage and workshop. Lots of water coming up when digging more than 1.5 meter deep. Still a lot of underground rivers it seems and we couldn’t keep up with pumping. Not something you expect high up in the mountain. Should be good for gardening.
We are on the way to pour the horizontal beams for the main building next week. Big steps but the crew is working 7 days a week and delivering nice work. A joy to see the building grow.